Thursday, December 13, 2012

Future trends in Computing

The School of Sciences, UCLan Cyprus cordially invites you to a seminar titled:
“Future trends in computing”
featuring talks from two distinguished guests:

Professor Andreas Pitsillides of the University of Cyprus will present:

  • The Web of Things: Towards Smart Pervasive Environments

Sensors and wireless sensor networks are being deployed around the world, capable of measuring local environmental conditions. Their sensing functionality can potentially enable context-aware ubiquitous platforms, middleware and applications to proliferate. Inspired from embedded Internet connectivity, the Web of Things (WoT) is about reusing well-accepted and understood Web principles to interconnect the quickly expanding ecosystem of embedded devices, built into everyday smart things. In this talk, we identify contributions that have enabled the vision of Web-enabling smart objects. We will present promising applications of the WoT in domains such as smart homes, urban environments, logistics and the forthcoming smart grid of electricity. We will also discuss and identify challenges in this domain, and how the WoT can constitute a driver towards an energy-efficient, sustainable future.
Lecturer Despina Michael of the Cyprus University of Technology will present:

  • Serious Games: Current and Future trends

3D Computer Games can be used for purposes beyond entertainment, such as training, information, and education. Games with such purposes are called serious games. In this talk we are going to discuss about aspect of serious games and talk about current and future trends in research of computer games and generally of 3D Computer Graphics & Virtual Reality.

When: Thursday, December 13th, 2012 at 14:00-15:00
Where: Room CY007 (Ground floor), UCLan Cyprus, Pyla CY-7080